Anyways had my appointment today and did the gestational diabetes test, and had an ultrasound to check on baby tingle's kidneys. Everything went well, as some of you know I have been on bed rest, and praise God, I was taken off of it today, that's how good everything looked. He has moved out of my pelvis and off my back and therefor a lot less pressure and has reduced the contractions I was having. YAY! Anyway, I passed my Gestational diabetes sugar test and that is good, and I still have only gained 9.5 pounds which is good for my BMI and for my asthma.
The ultrasound was amazing because he was real active. The fluid in the kidneys has increased so we have to make a trip to the high risk doctor to be further evaluated, but they are still confident that the problem will most likely correct itself, so I am just praying that this will be the case and if not and he has to be in NICU for a little while then God will still be in control and will know what is going on. Other than the kidneys though the baby looked great, they said he was perfectly along with my due date of September 8th. He was three pounds today! So 3 of those 9.5 pounds are the baby. We got some great 4d images of his head and facial features pictured below. I go back in three weeks for appointment with normal doctor and a week for my appointment with my high risk doctor.
To add to this post real quickly, Jeremiah has a new favorite pasttime, jumping off furniture on to a pile of blankets :)