Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving with the Tingle's

Thanksgiving this year was fun and together. The love that flows through this family is astounding and makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! I know cheesey right! Well I love the family I married into and would not trade them for the world and I just want to thank them for the acceptance of me and for letting me in! They are amazing people! Hope everyone's thanksgivings were as good as mine and my family's! I love you all and thank you for being there for Mike, Jeremiah and I!

Below the photos include my son Jeremiah, my niece Alaina, my nephews gabriel, timothy, and Jacob, my mother-in-law Bonnie, my sister-in-law Shannon, and my brother-in-laws Patrick and Wayne, and my other mother-in-law, sorta kinda, actually my husband's sister's mother-in-law Clarice. Haha sorry that was confusing, however she is just like another mother to us all.

Also thank you to Melissa, our photographer, and the person who I stole these pictures off of facebook!

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